Saturday, October 24, 2009

Obama tours MIT

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US President Barack Obama tours a research laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (AFP)

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been developing cutting edge clean energy technology. (AFP)

MIT developing clean energy technology

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Obama promoted his environmental plans at Massachussets Technological Institute ahead of a discussion in the Senate to reduce emissions. (AFP)

Obama at a research lab

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Obama will defend the use of alternative energies before businessmen, traders, community leaders as well as students and scholars called at the Centre for Advanced Studies. (AFP)

MIT developing clean energy technology

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been developing cutting edge clean energy technology. (AFP)

Obama at a research lab

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Barack Obama holds up a t-shirt given to him by Mechanical Engineering Professor Alex Slocum (L) as Susan Hockfield, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), takes him on a tour of the institution's research labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Reuters)


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